When was Midnight Meadow Publishing founded?

Midnight Meadow Publishing, formerly Hansen House, was founded by author Elizabeth Jeannel in April 2020.

How small is Midnight Meadow Publishing?

Midnight Meadow Publishing is a single member LLC. We do not have a CEO, board of directors, or investors. We are owner funded, and volunteer run. We are just book people who want to help book people succeed. 

I'm thinking of submitting. Do I have to pay anything?

Absolutely not. Midnight Meadow Publishing is not a hybrid or vanity press. We will never ask for any money, require you to buy books, refer you to a third party for editing, etc. If we want your novel it’s because we love your manuscript and we’re willing to put our time and money on the line to make it sell. If any agent or publisher does want money from you, and they are not a recognized hybrid publisher, we’d advise you to run as fast as you can. 

Do I have to have an agent?

No, but if you have one, that’s great! What you should be asking is, “Do I have a queer story?” If the answer to that is yes, and it meets our submission guidelines, send it in.

Do you pay royalties?

We do not put up contract information, but yes, we do pay royalties. Our goal is that all our authors make money from the first sale of their book. 

Do you pay an advance?

Unfortunately, Midnight Meadow Publishing is not in a place to give advances at this time. We will update later if this changes.

How often do you take new authors?

Our submissions are open quarterly. April 1-15, July 1-15, October 1-15, and January 1-15. Our submissions are closed outside of these windows.

Are your books just print or just eBook?

We do both! We know that everyone has their preference, and we are happy to give the people what they want. 

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